Albina ID:5712 ID: 5712

Albina is 7 years old now. This poor girl has never seen her father as he died 2 months before Albina’s birth on the frontlines of the first phase of Ukraine – Russia war which started in 2014. Albina now lives in the north of Ukraine, in a pretty big city. Albina studies in the 2nd grade of local school. During the horrible second part of the war that started in February 2022 the family did not leave the city anywhere, it was scary for them as war actions were nearby. Albina often asks her mom why she and her older sister don’t have a father and her mother hugs Albina and tells her that her father watches over her and her sister from heaven and protects them. Albina and her family want the war to end and peace to come soon. Albina would love to go swimming when the war is over. She is an active girl.

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Help Children In Ukraine

Albina ID:5712

Donation Total: $39.00 Monthly