Hello! I come from a south-eastern city in Ukraine, but when the war started we had to evacuate to a central part of the country, a small town, it’s relatively safe here. I live in a dormitory with my mother and my little sister. I visit my school in my home town remotely, online. Since the age of 4 I
have been doing ballroom dancing, but now I don’t have such an opportunity because of lack of electricity and funds. Therefore, I became interested in drawing and weaving from beads. I need winter clothes and footwear, stationery. I dream of a speedy end to the war and return to my home. My mother had a baby before the war and she is now on maternity leave and receives housing assistance for internally displaced persons in the amount of $ 195, which is not enough to live on. My father lost his job at the beginning of the war.
All funds we have is spent on food and child support.