Andriana studies in the 8th grade at a local school. She is part of a big family, has 4 brothers and sisters. The family lives in a remote mountain village in western Ukraine. There is no work in the village, and with the beginning of the war everything got worse, because people in the village used to live on earnings from abroad, but not it’s not possible. At the moment Andriana’s parents don’t work, hopefully her father will get a season job in summer. Family lives on social assistance from the state as a low-income family with many children, which is 255 USD. With this money, it is difficult to pay for electricity, to buy firewood for the whole winter ($500), because the heating is by stove, there is no natural gas pipes in the village. Almost no money is left to buy clothes, medicine. We did not evacuate from the war, because we are a big family. With the beginning of the war, life became very difficult. Andriana has to walk over a mile to school. The school is old and in need of repair. There is no cafeteria at school. Andriana has athletic abilities, but there is no place to develop them, because the school does not have a sports hall. Andriana also studies very hard, likes to acquire new knowledge. The school is cold, not insulated, and kids often gets sick. Headteacher really wants to improve the conditions for attending children education. We want the war to end and peace to reign in our country.