Bohdan is a half-orphan raised only by his mother. His father died in 2014. In 2016, Bohdan underwent an operation to remove a tumor in the intestines. But Bohdan is a very positive boy, always smiling, despite everything he has experienced. Now Bohdan is a seventh-grader who loves playing football. Like most Ukrainian schoolchildren, due to constant air raids and missile strikes by the Russian aggressor Bohdan studies remotely. The village in the north of Ukraine, where the boy’s family lives, was under occupation from February 26 to April 1, 2022. The children had to stay in the house without light, heat, and the opportunity to replenish water and food supplies, under constant shelling. Now Bohdan lives with his mother, grandmother, who is ill, and sister Iryna, born in 2007. His mother lost her job at the beginning of the war – her workplace was bombed. It is very difficult to find a new job. She takes care of the family and has a small household. So the family now lives on the grandmother’s minimum (survivor’s) pension. Bohdan needs constant treatment and medical examination. With some support through individual sponsorship, the mother will be able to provide Bohdan with the necessary treatment. Bohdan will be able to show his potential, to get the opportunity for additional classes, to have a chance for better living conditions.