Ivan lives in a small village in a large family with three children. Ivan experienced the terrible months of war occupation. Ivan studies in the second grade. The educational process is greatly complicated by power outages, as well as frequent air alarms. Education now takes place in school and remotely. Ivan loves learning. Ivan learned to read at the age of 5 and reading is one of his favorite subjects. Ivan loves Maths and wants to become an engineer or a graphic designer. Now Ivan likes doing constructor, drawing and playing with brother Bohdan and sister Sofia. Ivan is also very fond of animals, especially cats. Ivan considers his pet cat Richard to be his best friend. Ivan leaves dishes that are tasty for tomorrow. Because he remembers the period of occupation and knows that products should be saved. Ivan`s mom is a housewife and dad is a volunteer. The family budget is very poor. Parents are forced to save even on things that are necessary for children (quality food, school supplies) and buy only the cheapest second-hand clothes. Your sincere and loving support will help to improve the standard of living of Ivan and the family as a whole.