Maksym lives in a small village. His mom serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and because of the war did not see her son for over 3 months at all and had no contact with the family, which caused Maksym a lot of stress. Maksym‘s mother is raising him alone so when the war started on February 24, 2022, Maksym moved with his grantparents and their village got under occupation for several months. They are now again under Ukrainian control. The family lives below the subsistence level. Maksym studies in the 4th grade. Maksym is a cheerful child who likes playing football, drawing and dreams of having a real soccer ball and uniform. Now there isn`t electricity in the village and the mobile communication. Because of the frequent rocket attacks in the region, Maksym studies remotely using an old phone. Your kind and loving support through sponsorship will help Maksym to improve the quality of life, and make his dreams come true.