Hello! My name is Matvii, I’m 11 years old. I was born and raised in a small rural town. I am in the 6th grade at school. I like to study, I draw well and I would like to do this in the future, but, unfortunately, I do not have such an opportunity. Everything you need to draw and study costs money, and now, because of the war, every penny in our family goes to food and heating. Only my mum works in our family. My father has a disability, so he cannot work and he also takes care of my grandfather. I understand that the time has been very difficult now, since the war broke out, every penny is more valuable than ever. There is not enough money in my family but I really want my dream to come true and I would be able to develop my talent. I want to thank everyone for your support during such a difficult time for us, because your help will be very important. Thank you.