Mykola lives in a large family with seven kids. His mother works and earns a minimum wage. Mykola’s father works and earns minimum wage as well.
The average monthly income of all family is $320.This amount of money includes social benefits for families with low income. Before the war with Russia Mykola’s father worked as a coach as a volunteer at a local Sports Complex .That is why all the children in the family attended this sport club (Taekwondo section). Mykola is a multiple champion of Ukraine in taekwondo.He has got a black belt qualification grade, 1st Dan. Mykola is the champion of international tournaments “Masters of Podillya”. He is a candidate for Masters of Sports title. Per today Mykola needs financial support to continue his sports career for the family to have normal ability to buy food. This family hasn’t got their own place to live, so they are occupying the flat owned by the grandmother. The family is in need of clothing supply as well.