My daughter’s name is Veronika-Ilona, she studies in the 2nd grade of a local village school. Our family has many children, Veronika has two brothers. We live in the remote mountain village. The village is small, but there is a big problem with work. Before the war, people worked in the field of tourism, which began to develop, but with the beginning of the war, tourism became zero, because of this, my husband does not have a permanent job. I myself am currently on maternity leave and after a difficult surgery, where I do not have the opportunity and health to work to increase the family’s income. Our family income is $136 per month. There is no gas in the village, we heat with firewood, which is very expensive. We spend about 30 dollars on electricity. To buy firewood for one winter, you need to spend 500 dollars. It is difficult to save money to buy things for children, since distance learning is often the case, because all the money goes to the most necessary. It is 3 km to get to the school, when winter starts the school bus stops running, as the road is very bad and the bus is old. Our school is old (built in 1903), in need of repair for a long time. There is no canteen, so my daughter eats sandwiches for 6 hours at school. There is also no gym and children have nowhere to develop their physical fitness.The school is cold, not insulated, because of which the child often gets sick. Veronika is very fond of learning, especially drawing. Veronika dreams of becoming an artist. I really want to improve living and learning conditions so that she can develop and find new talents and dreams. We want an end to war and peace in our country, so that our children can confidently step into adulthood without fear for the future.