What Should I Write To My Sponsored Child?

Start by telling about yourself, your family and friends, your pets if you have any, and the story of how your pets came to be part of your family. Share about your work and hobbies. Explain why you chose to sponsor a child. Keep in mind the age of your sponsored child and keep the length and depth of your sentences accordingly. Feel free to ask your sponsored child about his/ her life, family, friends, school life and favorite subjects at school, favorite domestic and wild animals, significant events in his or her life.
As your communication develops you will feel comfortable to ask about more personal things, like your sponsored child’s dreams. On the other hand, there are things you should not ask, such as the difficulties the child is living through. For example, if your child is an orphan or half orphan – please do not ask what happened to his/her parent(s). If in your child’s story you read about certain life difficulties, for example poverty details of his/her family – please do not discuss how your sponsored child and is their family are financially coping with their challenges. Please avoid discussing wars, political issues or any negative things. While such advice seems obvious, we need to stress it as not all sponsors have had experience of communicating with underprivileged children. We are obliged to protect the emotional security of children in our program and send them more joy and happiness in every way we can, thus please keep your communications happy and upbeat. Your sponsored child may ask him/herself about difficult matters – please use your wisdom to avoid unpleasant topics. Your letters manifest the proof of your care about your sponsored child and your wish that your sponsored child will have a bright future you are already part of. Your sponsored child will wait and cherish your letters for a long time. Thank you for paying special attention to your correspondence with your chosen child. Click here for more detailed advice on letter-writing. Make sure to include your sponsored child’s name and your child’s ID number on a separate sheet.